2016 Presentations
SUNDAY, September 11
Pre-conference workshop: Google Tools for Your Newsroom
Mike Reilley (Business director/trainer, MediaShift.org/Google News Lab)
Pre-conference workshop: Tools and Techniques for Digital Success: Lessons from the Knight-Temple "Table Stakes" Project
Douglas Smith (Project director, The Knight-Temple Table Stakes Project)
Suki Dardarian (Senior managing editor and vice president, Minneapolis Star Tribune)
Mindy Marqués (Executive editor, Miami Herald)
Robyn Tomlin (Managing editor, The Dallas Morning News)
Stan Wischnowski (Executive editor/Senior vice president, Philadelphia Media Network)
MONDAY, September 12
Presidents' welcome
Pam Fine (President/Knight Chair for News, Leadership and Community, ASNE/The University of Kansas)
Laura Sellers (President/Managing editor, APME/The Daily Astorian)
Patrick Traylor (Photo editor/incoming president, The Denver Post/APPM)
Keynote: Hold fast to the mission, innovate absolutely everything else
Kathleen Carroll (Executive editor and senior vice president, The Associated Press)
*** No presentations in this session
Remaking legacy newsrooms
Jim Rutenberg (Media columnist, The New York Times)
David Boardman (Dean and professor, Temple University's School of Media and Communication)
Suki Dardarian (Senior managing editor and vice president, Minneapolis Star Tribune)
Mindy Marqués (Executive editor, Miami Herald)
Robyn Tomlin (Managing editor, The Dallas Morning News)
Stan Wischnowski (Executive editor/Senior vice president, Philadelphia Media Network)
Lunch & Awards presentations
Lunch keynote: A chat with Apple innovator Eddy Cue
Eric Ulken (Managing editor and vice president of digital content, Philadelphia Media Network)
Eddy Cue (Senior vice president of Internet Software and Services, Apple)
*** No presentations in this session
Free digital tools all newsrooms should be using right now
Val Hoeppner (CEO, Val Hoeppner Media and Consulting LLC)
Jamie Stockwell (Managing editor, San Antonio Express-News)
How you can lead a community-driven, product-focused newsroom (part 1 of 2)
Marie Gilot (Director of professional development, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism)
Jeff Jarvis (Director, Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism)
Greg Osberg (CEO and founder, Revlyst)
*** No presentations in this session
Innovator of the Year
Angie Muhs (Executive editor, The State Journal-Register)
Greg Borowski (Deputy managing editor for projects, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Tony Elkins Jr. (Deputy managing editor, Herald-Tribune Media Group)
Summer Moore (Digital and audience engagement editor, The Times of Northwest Indiana)
Video by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Video and presentation by the Herald-Tribune Media Group
Video by The Times of Northwest Indiana
How you can lead a community-driven, product-focused newsroom (part 2 of 2)
Marie Gilot (Director of professional development, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism)
Jeff Jarvis (Director, Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism)
Greg Osberg (CEO and founder, Revlyst)
*** No presentations in this session
Using solutions reporting to increase accountability
Tina Rosenberg (Co-founder, Solutions Journalism Network)
Greg Borowski (Deputy managing editor for projects, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
George Rodrigue (Editor, The Plain Dealer)
Jim Simon (Senior editor for enterprise, projects and Sunday, The Seattle Times)
Startups and reboots
Sybril Brown (Professor and journalist, Belmont University)
Jay Allred (Publisher, Richland Source)
John Harris (Co-founder and publisher, POLITICO)
Kevin Merida (Senior vice president and editor-in-chief, The Undefeated)
Sharon Waxman (CEO/founder, The Wrap)
*** No presentations in this session
TUESDAY, September 13
Coffee with counsel
Cate Barron (Vice president of content, PA Media Group)
Kevin Goldberg (Lawyer/Legal counsel, Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, P.L.C./ASNE)
Terry Mutchler (Counsel, Pepper Hamilton LLP)
*** No presentations in this session
Awards presentations
Keynote: Our Racial Moment of Truth
Isabel Wilkerson (Author, “The Warmth of Other Suns”)
*** No presentations in this session
The minority newsroom experience
Ronnie Agnew (Executive director, Mississippi Public Broadcasting)
Juan González (Broadcast journalist)
Hollis R. Towns (Executive editor and vice president, Asbury Park Press)
Doris Truong (Weekend homepage editor, The Washington Post)
Tyler R. Tynes (Reporter, SB Nation, Vox Media Company)
*** No presentations in this session
Changing demographics: New ways to use data to tell better stories on the race beat and beyond
Sarah Nordgren (Executive director/director of U.S. news operations, APME/The Associated Press)
Larry Fenn (Data journalist, The Associated Press)
Wesley Lowery (National reporter, The Washington Post)
Nichelle Smith (Features editor, USA TODAY NETWORK)
*** No presentations in this session
Lunch & Awards presentations
Lunch Keynote: Embracing challenges
Marty Baron (Executive editor, The Washington Post)
*** No presentations in this session
Lame ducks and dog whistles: Race, precedence and the presidency
Keith Woods (Vice president for diversity in news and operations, NPR)
Ian Haney López (John H. Boalt Professor of Law and author, University of California, Berkeley)
Mindy Marqués (Executive editor, Miami Herald)
Otis Sanford
*** No presentations in this session
What we can learn from nonprofits on engaging audiences
Monica Guzman (2016 fellow, Nieman Fellowship)
Joaquin Alvarado (CEO, The Center for Investigative Reporting)
Jennifer Brandel (CEO and co-founder, Hearken)
Emily Ramshaw (Editor-in-chief, The Texas Tribune)
*** No presentations in this session
Access and accountability: What the next presidency will bring
Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar (Healthcare reporter, The Associated Press)
Ted Bridis (Investigative editor, The Associated Press)
Julie Pace (Chief White House correspondent, The Associated Press)
David Scott (U.S. political editor, The Associated Press)
*** No presentations in this session
Analytics and audience
Penny Riordan (Director of digital content partnerships, GateHouse Media)
Sachin Kamdar (Co-founder and CEO, Parse.ly)
Stephanie Roos (Deputy editor of audience development, FiveThirtyEight.com)
Amy Vernon (Director of audience engagement, The Daily Dot)
*** No presentations in this session
Pulitzer @ 100
David Boardman (Dean and professor, Temple University's School of Media and Communication)
Dana Banker (Managing editor, Sun Sentinel)
Michael Days (Editor, Philadelphia Daily News)
Mitch Pugh (Executive editor, The Post and Courier)
WEDNESDAY, September 14
Awards presentations
David Armstrong (Georgia State University)
Going vertical with millennials
Tony Elkins Jr. (Deputy managing editor, Herald-Tribune Media Group)
Liz Nelson (Director of audience engagement strategy, USA TODAY NETWORK)
Alex Rosenberg (Vice president and general manager, Graphiq)
Angela Smith (Vice president of sales and events, Billy Penn)
*** No presentations in this session
The rise of opinion journalism
David D. Haynes (Editorial Page Editor, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Andrew Julien (Publisher and editor-in-chief, Hartford Courant Media Group)
Andrew Rosenthal (Op-ed columnist, The New York Times)
Complete Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation
New York Times Video
The future of the modern news media
Mizell Stewart (Vice president for news operations, Gannett/USA TODAY NETWORK)
S. Mitra Kalita (Vice president for programming, CNN Digital)
Mike Klingensmith (Publisher and CEO, Star Tribune Company)
Joanne Lipman (Chief content officer, Gannett)
Mike Oreskes (Editorial director and senior vice president of news, NPR)
*** No presentations in this session
APME Community Journalism presentations
Cate Barron (Vice president of content, PA Media Group)
Jill Duchnowski (Local news editor, The Journal-Standard of Freeport)
Dennis Lyons (Editor, The Daily Item/The Danville News)
Developing your VR strategy
Justin Hendrix (Executive director, NYC MediaLab)
Nathan Griffiths (Interactive editor, The Associated Press)
Mia Tramz (Senior multimedia editor/Managing editor, Time/LIFE VR)
Kate Wurzbacher (Head of camera, Here be Dragons)
*** No presentations in this session
Where the freedom of information struggle is headed
Anders Gyllenhaal (Vice president of news and Washington editor, The McClatchy Company)
Mandy Jenkins (Head of news, Storyful)
Jeffrey Rosen (President and CEO, National Constitution Center)
Margaret Sullivan (Media columnist, The Washington Post)
Awards presentations
Why we need journalism now more than ever
Clair Lorell (Director, National Community and News Literacy Roundtables Project, ASNE)
Mark Baldwin (Executive editor, Rockford Register Star)
Katrice Hardy (Executive editor/Southeast regional editor, Greenville News/USA TODAY NETWORK)
Joyce Terhaar (Executive editor and senior vice president, The Sacramento Bee)
Joe Woolley (State coordinator, ASNE Tennessee Tough Issues Forums)
*** No presentations in this session
How we did it: Behind the scenes of ProPublica/Marshall Project's "Unbelievable Story of Rape"
Ken Armstrong (Investigative reporter, The Marshall Project)
T. Christian Miller (Senior reporter, ProPublica)
*** No presentations in this session