
Free legal Q&A Tuesday, July 17

Have you heard the news? Thanks to our sponsors, Charles Koch Foundation and the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation, the ASNE Legal Hotline is expanding! It's now multi-organizational and multi-platform.
We've invited our friends at LION (Local Independent Online News) Publishers to use the hotline, and we are providing more ways for everyone to connect with ASNE Legal Counsel Kevin M. Goldberg and one another. In addition to the "old school" method of emailing or calling Goldberg, we are trying to create a conversation on legal issues by hosting a closed-group Facebook page and offering more live interactions. There will be a truly live session at the ASNE-APME News Leadership Conference in Austin, Texas, where you can come armed with questions (a rebranded version of the "Coffee with your counsel" sessions done in years past) and a quarterly online Expert Series done via Google Hangout. 

Our next Expert Series will be held from noon to 12:45 p.m. EDT Tuesday, July 17Watch here. In addition to explaining more about the new and improved Legal Hotline, Goldberg will take a few minutes to update you on ASNE's advocacy efforts, review some topics that are trending nationwide and, of course, answer your questions (but, remember, he doesn't actually give "legal advice" during these sessions.). Make a list of your questions in advance; you can choose to ask during the session or even submit them directly to Goldberg at If you're unable to join us on the 17th, then consider submitting questions to the Facebook page. Replay of the webinar will be available, as well.
