It's a first: ASNE and APME join forces for 2014 convention
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 08/15/2013 13:50:44
- In: Convention
For the first time, the two premier news leadership organizations in North America are joining forces to present a joint convention.
The American Society of News Editors and the Associated Press Media Editors have reached an agreement that will bring the two influential groups together in September 2014 in Chicago. A joint convention has been discussed for years but has never materialized until now.
The American Society of News Editors and the Associated Press Media Editors have reached an agreement that will bring the two influential groups together in September 2014 in Chicago. A joint convention has been discussed for years but has never materialized until now.
For the first time, the two premier news leadership organizations in North America are joining forces to present a joint convention.
The American Society of News Editors and the Associated Press Media Editors have reached an agreement that will bring the two influential groups together in September 2014 in Chicago. A joint convention has been discussed for years but has never materialized until now.
"In this day and age it just makes sense to hold one terrific conference for leaders of news organizations," said ASNE President David Boardman, dean of the School of Media and Communication at Temple University and former executive editor of the Seattle Times. "We've always had great conventions. This will be bigger, better and smarter than ever."
ASNE and APME members include senior editors of news organizations, deans and journalism educators, members of journalism foundations and news executives.
"I'm thrilled the stars finally aligned to make this happen," said APME President Brad Dennison, who is president of GateHouse Media's Large Daily newspaper division. "The list of great news minds working on programming, the cost synergies, the drawing power for both audience and high-profile speakers - it's an exciting proposition."
Associated Press Senior Managing Editor Mike Oreskes said, "This is a time of great challenge for journalism, so it is heartening to see these two important organizations of journalists standing shoulder-to-shoulder to discuss and address those challenges." Oreskes is on the boards of both organizations.
ASNE's 2013 three-day convention was held in Washington, D.C., in June. Its theme was reinvention, and there were 50 speakers and panelists, including Twitter CEO Dick Costolo. APME's 2013 annual convention will be Oct. 28-30 in Indianapolis. Its 80th annual convening will feature a content-centric speaker lineup, and Warren Buffett's newspaper CEO Terry Kroeger will speak on the final day.
Joint ASNE-APME committees are already meeting to plan various aspects of the 2014 conference, including programming and fundraising.
ASNE and APME have similar priorities.
APME works closely with The Associated Press to foster journalism excellence and to support a national network for the training and development of editors who run multimedia newsrooms. APME is a vocal presence in setting ethical and journalistic standards for newspapers, as well as in freedom of information and First Amendment issues.
ASNE's priorities are to advance the cause of quality, independent professional journalism. Founded in 1922 to "defend the profession from unjust assault," ASNE is primarily an organization of newsroom leaders in the United States. It focuses on issues related to the First Amendment, diversity, leadership and innovation, ethics and credibility, and media literacy.
In addition to ASNE and APME, the Associated Press Photo Managers will be involved in the effort. APME and APPM traditionally have their annual conferences together.
Dates for the joint 2014 conference will be finalized and announced soon.
For more information, contact ASNE Executive Director Arnie Robbins or APME Executive Director Sally Jacobsen at
For information on becoming a sponsor or exhibitor at the September 2014 event contact Brad Dennison at or call (630) 386-2945 or ASNE Executive Director Arnie Robbins at