
ASNE's conventions make history -- more details for the 2013 meeting

The history. We met at the then Statler Hilton twice (ASNE historians might find other visits there as well). In 1959, three months after the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro addressed ASNE for more than two hours. In 1961 President John F. Kennedy spoke to ASNE.

Originally posted on 9/13/2012

President Kennedy addressing the 1961 ASNE convention

© Bettmann/CORBIS

We're delighted to announce (some) details for the ASNE Convention for 2013.

The theme: Reinvention.

The place: The Capital Hilton in Washington D.C., two blocks from the White House.

The dates: Starting mid-afternoon on Monday, June 24. ending late afternoon on Wednesday, June 26.

The price: Room rate is $239 a night. We will let you know when you can begin making reservations.

The history. We met at the then Statler Hilton twice (ASNE historians might find other visits there as well). In 1959, three months after the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro addressed ASNE for more than two hours. In 1961 President John F. Kennedy spoke to ASNE.

The timing: Yes, the convention is a bit later than usual. This allowed us to keep room rates down. This also allows us time to build a terrific convention after this summer's challenging move to the University of Missouri from Reston, Va.

The convention committee: ASNE president Susan Goldberg. Co-chairs: Alfredo Carbajal, Anders Gyllenhaal, Melanie Sill.

More details to come.

Original photo caption: "Cuba must not be abandoned, says Kennedy. Washington: President Kennedy addresses a luncheon meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors at the Statler-Hilton Hotel here today. He warned that American restraint in intervening in Cuba 'is not inexhaustible.' Left to right: Vice President Lyndon Johnson; Felix McKnight, Dallas Times-Herald; Turner Catledge, New York Times, President of ASNE; Kennedy; George W. Healy Jr., New Orleans Times-Picayune; Alexander F. Jones, Syracuse Herald-Journal; and John Dille, Elkhart, Ind., Truth." (Cropped image, from left: Cartledge, Kennedy, Healy and Jones)
