Save the date for the 2013 ASNE convention
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 09/21/2012 18:09:35
- In: Convention
Save these dates for ASNE 2013: Monday, June 24 - Wednesday, June 26, at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.
Originally posted on 9/7/2012
It was called the Statler Hilton then. Now it's the Capital Hilton.
The newsmaker pictured here spoke to us there in 1959, three months after the Cuban revolution.
We used typewriters then. Now we tweet and we blog and we like stuff friends post on Facebook.
It's a period of reinvention.
Save these dates for ASNE 2013: Monday, June 24 - Wednesday, June 26, at the Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C.
More details soon.
About the photograph above: Fidel Castro made just a handful of visits to the United States after the revolution. His first trip? He addressed ASNE at our annual convention. He spoke for more than two hours!