Get tips from the ASNE Leadership Development Committee on Facebook and Twitter
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 09/21/2012 13:04:15
- In: Committee work
Each day on Facebook (or as close as it can; committee members are working editors, too), ASNE's Leadership Development Committee will post a "best of" link to information that can help editors grow as leaders and managers.
Originally posted on 8/21/2012
ASNE's Leadership Development Committee offers useful tips and thought-provoking links each day on ASNE's Facebook page and to its Twitter followers.
Last year, ASNE editors asked for pragmatic, useful information on best practices to lead and develop their staffs and themselves. Keep it simple and respect our time, they said in the 2011 ASNE-API survey. Help us train journalists and build organizations that can compete successfully in transforming our newsrooms.
Each day on Facebook (or as close as it can; committee members are working editors, too), ASNE's Leadership Development Committee will post a "best of" link to information that can help editors grow as leaders and managers. The committee, chaired by Linda Grist Cunningham, will also tweet the link to followers.
To get your daily tip, simply "like" our Facebook page at or follow us on Twitter at @newseditors. Share the Facebook page and the Twitter feed with your staff; they don't have to be ASNE members. As long as you want to become a stronger leader, the committee is glad to have you with us.