
2012 State of the First Amendment Survey

The First Amendment Center, in partnership with the National Press Club, Freedom Forum and the American Society of News Editors, will release results of its 2012 State of the First Amendment Survey at a National Press Club luncheon at noon on Tuesday, July 17. The authoritative survey, which has examined public perspectives on First Amendment freedoms for the past 15 years, will explore contemporary free speech issues, including freedom of expression and the protection of intellectual property on the Internet.

Survey results now online:
2012 survey: Public opposes unlimited campaign spending

Ken Paulson
Gene Policinski

The First Amendment Center, in partnership with the National Press Club, Freedom Forum and the American Society of News Editors, will release results of its 2012 State of the First Amendment Survey at a National Press Club luncheon at noon on Tuesday, July 17. The authoritative survey, which has examined public perspectives on First Amendment freedoms for the past 15 years, will explore contemporary free speech issues, including freedom of expression and the protection of intellectual property on the Internet.

Presenters: Ken Paulson, chief executive officer; and Gene Policinski, senior vice president, First Amendment Center.

Tickets are $25 for members, $35 for guests of members and for general admission. To reserve tickets, please e-mail or call 202-662-7501.
