
Additional coverage of the ASNE convention

It's been over for two weeks, but the ASNE convention continues to generate coverage in the press and the blogosphere. ...

It's been over for two weeks, but the ASNE convention continues to generate coverage in the press and the blogosphere. The speeches by President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, continue to be cited, of course. But the Watergate 4.0 panel with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein is still generating commentary as well, most recently from Yvette Kantrow in The Huffington Post, L. Gordon Crovitz in The Wall Street Journal, and the Daily Beast's Tina Brown on NPR.

David Smydra, strategic partner manager for Google News, used the "Partnering with Journalism Schools" panel as a launching point to blog about the issue of unpaid student labor.

There were also a few additional columns filed by individuals who attended the convention:

Although it has nothing to do with the convention, this column ("The American Society of Paperless News") by the Christian Science Monitor's Ruth Walker was inspired by a "brief reference to President Obama's speech" during the Associated Press luncheon at the ASNE convention. The result is perhaps the most high profile parsing of ASNE's membership requirements since they were originally enacted 90 years ago.
