
Google, Bloomberg, Reuters, Newseum major convention sponsors

ASNE convention will be brought to you, in part, through the generosity of Google, Inc., Bloomberg News, Reuters and the Newseum. These four organizations each stepped up in a major way to provide financial support that will help defray convention expenses and sustain ASNE's work throughout the year.

Next week's ASNE convention will be brought to you, in part, through the generosity of Google, Inc., Bloomberg News, Reuters and the Newseum. These four organizations each stepped up in a major way to provide financial support that will help defray convention expenses and sustain ASNE's work throughout the year.

This is the third consecutive year that Google has sponsored the ASNE convention, a streak that began in 2010, when then-CEO Eric Schmidt was a keynote speaker at that year's opening general session. Aside from the sponsorships, ASNE and the Mountain View, Calif.-based digital services company often find common cause on free expression issues. The latest example was when they joined forces earlier this year in a coalition that succeeded in defeating the onerous Stop Online Piracy Act.

Bloomberg News is a first-time ASNE sponsor in 2012, providing general support for the convention as well as sponsoring the board of directors dinner held the night before the official convention schedule begins. There will be several Bloomberg editors in attendance, as well, including soon-to-be ASNE President Susan Goldberg.

Reuters has been a sponsor at several ASNE conventions, including last year's conference in San Diego. The company will have an active presence this year at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel, providing video and slide shows that will run prior to several sessions, sponsoring a coffee break and raffling off new iPads to a couple of lucky attendees. The news agency will also be at the convention in full force, with a number of Reuters editors and several publishing solution specialists registered to attend.

In a repeat performance from the previous ASNE/NAA election-year convention, the Newseum and the First Amendment Center are sponsoring the convention's Tuesday evening program and reception, as well as opening the entire Newseum that same night after regular hours just for ASNE and NAA conference delegates. The Newseum has generously hosted many ASNE meetings and events over the years, and it will do double-duty this year as the site of both the Tuesday night event and the previously mentioned board of directors dinner hosted by Bloomberg.

“We are grateful to Google, Bloomberg, Reuters and the Newseum for providing financial assistance for this year's convention,” said ASNE Executive Director Richard Karpel. “Their support for ASNE's work speaks well of each organization and their dedication to professional journalism and a free press.”
