
ASNE Chats to Take a Short Break

ASNE'S chat series, which alternate on a weekly basis between Twitter and the CoverItLive format, will take a hiatus until after the ASNE Convention concludes on April 4. We look forward to getting them back on track as soon as possible following the convention.

Since last August, ASNE has held weekly chats on Tuesday afternoons at 2 p.m. ET. We began with Twitter chats (#ASNEchat), and expanded the format earlier this year to include live chats every other week on the CoverItLive platform. The chats have featured a wide range of topics and panelists, including both ASNE members and others, like the large group of student journalists who participated in last week's Twitter chat, which Jim Romenesko called “an excellent future of journalism chat.” (Referring to this chat, Karen Magnuson, editor & VP of News, Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, tweeted yesterday: "ATTN journalists: Want an upper? Just read the excitement these students have about journalism's future!")

An active social media committee, headed by Jim Brady, editor-in-chief, Digital First Media, has helped to organize the chats. Following a path laid out in a memo prepared by Brady, ASNE board member Melanie Sill took the lead and hosted most of the Twitter chats, and Steve Buttry established the framework for, and has hosted, the CoverItLive chats. Other members of the committee include Carole Tarrant, editor of the Roanoke Times; Chris Cobler, editor of the Victoria (Tx.) Advocate; and Charles Nutt, president, Annlo Communications. Phil Heron, editor, Delaware County Daily Times, and Bob Moore, editor, El Paso Times, are the most recent ASNE members to join the committee.

The chats take a hiatus until after the ASNE Convention concludes on April 4. We look forward to getting them back on track on a weekly basis as soon as possible following the convention.
