ASNE launches live chats to be held on biweekly basis
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 01/23/2012 12:52:00
- In: ASNE Expert Series
After hosting weekly Twitter chats since August 2011, ASNE yesterday added a new wrinkle to the program by alternating the Twitter discussions with weekly live web chats using the CoverItLive chat platform. The first live #ASNEchat was a conversation on the changing role of ombudsmen in the digital era, moderated by Steve Buttry, director of community engagement and social media for the Journal Register Co. Joining Buttry on the lively chat were Arthur Brisbane, public editor, New York Times; Geneva Overholser, professor and director, USC Annenberg School of Journalism; Patrick Pexton, ombudsman, The Washington Post; and Craig Silverman, editor, and adjunct faculty, Poynter institute.
Moderated by Steve Buttry, Director of Community Engagement & Social Media, Journal Register Co.