
Second ASNE Leadership In Diversity Session to begin Sept. 19

More than 60 media company executives have signed up to participate in the second in a series of ASNE Leadership in Diversity sessions that will be held Monday and Tuesday, September 19 and 20 at The New York Times. Participants will include publishers, CEOs, advertising, news and digital media executives from media companies throughout the country.

More than 60 media company executives have signed up to participate in the second in a series of ASNE Leadership in Diversity sessions that will be held Monday and Tuesday, September 19 and 20 at The New York Times. Participants will include publishers, CEOs, advertising, news and digital media executives from media companies throughout the country.

The objectives of the session are to:

  • Provide fresh perspectives on the power of diversity to drive innovation and financial gains for news media organizations in the 21st century;
  • Highlight key opportunities and requirements to succeed in a multicultural, fragmented, competitive environment; and
  • Offer directional clarity to industry leaders in designing their strategic roadmaps for transformation

During these sessions, we want to repurpose the news diversity argument from the context of a social experiment to a business opportunity. We want news organization business leaders to learn from those who have found real financial gain through diversity.

While the sessions are being convened by ASNE, partners in the planning process are the leaders of several newspapers and news organizations and the Associated Press Managing Editors, the Newspaper Association of America, The Poynter Institute for Media Studies, The Maynard Institute for Journalism Education, Unity: Journalists of Color, its' member associations and the National Association of Black Journalists.

Funding for the sessions is provided by the Ford Foundation, McCormick Foundation, Gannett Foundation, ASNE Foundation, the Philip L Graham Fund and The New York Times.


Diversity Program for September(PDF)
