
Court: High Schools can sign exclusive agreement for streaming sports events

The same Seventh Circuit ruled last week that a state doesn't violate the First Amendment by entering into a contract granting one company an exclusive right to webcast high school sporting events.

The same Seventh Circuit ruled last week that a state doesn't violate the First Amendment by entering into a contract granting one company an exclusive right to webcast high school sporting events. In 2008, the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association sued the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, The Gannett Co. Inc. and one of its Wisconsin-based news organizations, for violating its exclusive license by live-streaming high school football games. In upholding the lower court's decision, the Seventh Circuit rejected the argument raised in an amicus brief by ASNE and others that an exclusive webcasting contract is the equivalent of a prior restraint preventing the media from reporting on government activities. ASNE Legal Counsel Kevin Goldberg is reviewing the decision to determine its impact on other areas involving sports coverage.
