ASNE to host weekly Twitter chat
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 08/25/2011 08:49:00
- In: ASNE business
ASNE will hold hourlong Twitter chats beginning Tuesday at noon, using the hashtag #ASNEchat. The weekly chats will feature a guest who will be “interviewed” on a specific topic, but the format will be conversational and participatory.
Beginning Tuesday, Aug. 30 at noon EDT ASNE will begin hosting a weekly Twitter chat on journalism and leadership issues. The hourlong chats will be held every Tuesday at noon, using the hashtag #ASNEchat. The co-hosts will be Melanie Sill, executive in residence at the University of Southern California, and Carole Tarrant, editor of The Roanoke (Va.) Times. Backing them up will be Steve Buttry, director of community engagement and social media for Journal Register Co.
The weekly chats will feature a guest who will be “interviewed” on a specific topic, but the format will be conversational and participatory. ASNE's choice of guests and topics will aim to prompt discussion, connection and a lively sharing of ideas and views. “We'll have a tilt toward digital journalism issues and expect to learn as we go from those who take part,” said Sill, a member of the ASNE board of directors.
“The Twitter chats are a way for ASNE to reach out to journalism leaders outside of the newspaper business,” noted board member and ASNE's Web Strategies Committee chair Jim Brady, editor-in-chief of Journal Register. "We hope they'll also help ASNE's core members get more comfortable with the medium."