ASNE joins brief opposing subpoena issued to Wall Street Journal reporter
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 07/13/2011 11:43:00
- In: Freedom of the press
ASNE was one of 46 media groups supporting a Wall Street Journal reporter's right to invoke the reporter's privilege in Baker v. Goldman Sachs.
ASNE was one of 46 media groups supporting a Wall Street Journal reporter's right to invoke the reporter's privilege in Baker v. Goldman Sachs. The case is on appeal before the United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit after the District Court ruled Jesse Eisinger did not have to testify. Eisinger was subpoenaed by a Massachusetts couple suing Goldman Sachs for breach of fiduciary duty for their advice in a partnership that lost millions of dollars due to fraud. The couple contends that their losses could have been avoided if the investment bank had conducted adequate research and discovered the fraud, as Eisenger had through his reporting. Our brief explains why subpoenas are unduly burdensome to a newsroom, distracting reporters and editors from reporting the news, and threatening their “neutrality and independence” by “casting them as agents of discovery in lawsuits that do not involve them.”
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