
Brian Steffens

Brian Steffens

Organization: Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, Missouri School of Journalism, University of Missouri, Columbia

Title: Director of Communications

First paying job: Paperboy for the Toledo (Ohio) Blade. Well, that was really more like an independent contractor. Didn't get any payment from the paper. First paid journalism job, if you don't count $25/week working for my campus paper (BG News Bowling Green (Ohio) State University), would be reporter for the Ypsilanti (Mich.) Press (now defunct).

Mentor or role model: One? Sheesh. Tim Hayes, then city editor,Ypsilanti Press. George Benge, then news editor, Detroit News. Heath Merriwether, then executive city editor, Miami Herald. John Finnegan, editor, St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch. Jim Batten, vice president news, Knight Ridder. Tony Majeri, then senior editor, Chicago Tribune. J.D. Alexander, then managing editor, San Diego Union. Narda Zacchino and Terry Schwadron, then at Los Angeles Times. John Seigenthaler, then founding director of First Amendment Center.

Favorite apps: Newsy. ESPN Score Center. WhoCalled. TweetDeck. Trapster.

If I weren't an editor I'd be ... A writer focused on rock/blues/jazz music and/or a photographer. Or maybe a hot-air balloon pilot.

To unwind I … Sip a good bourbon and smoke a decent cigar (both politically incorrect and unwise for my health). Otherwise, listen to some favorite music.

Favorite book, TV show or movie: Book: now, "Life," by Keith Richards. TV show: "Breaking Bad" (A&E) or "Justified" (FX). Movies: "Casablanca," "Apocalypse Now," or "The Big Lebowski," depending on my mood.

What music I am listening to: Bruce Hornsby, Dave Matthews Band, Rolling Stones
