
ASNE committee looks at editors use of technology

How do editors find the time to stay on top of the latest developments in technology that are reshaping the news business? What are they doing to incorporate these changes into their newsrooms, and what impact is it having on news coverage? That is the focus of an ASNE Technology Committee's project, which begins this week with a survey of newsroom leaders.

Newspaper editors have a lot on their collective plates these days. Not only are they being asked to reinvent their news organizations while still putting a paper out every day. They're also required to understand the latest developments in technology that are reshaping the news business.

How will they do it? Where will they find the time?

Those are the questions that are animating the ASNE Technology Committee's project this year.

The committee is conducting a four-minute online survey, which is being sent out this week to all daily news organizations. It seeks insight into how editors are incorporating technology into their thinking about running a news organization.

Many of the questions deal with how new technology has changed the job of being a newsroom leader.

Editors have several weeks to complete the survey. The results of the survey will be shared with editors through an ASNE webinar this winter and later, through a convention segment in April in San Diego.

The survey is being conducted by the ASNE Technology Committee, which is chaired by Chris Peck, editor of The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn.
