
ASNE opposes compulsory disclosure of journalists' income

WASHINGTON — The board of the American Society of Newspaper Editors on April 8 adopted a resolution that opposes requiring journalists to disclose sources of their income in order to obtain credentials for covering Congress.

WASHINGTON — The board of the American Society of Newspaper Editors on April 8 adopted a resolution that opposes requiring journalists to disclose sources of their income in order to obtain credentials for covering Congress. The resolution also speaks to the matter of outside income earned by journalists.

The board resolution states:

    The American Society of Newspaper Editors opposes any effort by government to compel or to require as a condition for covering the news the disclosure by journalists of either the source or the amount of compensation earned outside of their primary employment. The ASNE, however, discourages the acceptance by journalists of speaking or appearance fees or honoraria from non-journalistic organizations. The practice is detrimental to the credibility of the press, as an independent institution unbeholden to any special interest.

