
ASNE cancels 2009 convention

Februay 2009 note from President Charlotte Hall on convention cancellation.

ASNE's leadership has decided to cancel our 2009 convention because of the challenging times we face.

Here's a link to the Feb. 27 press release.

The Convention Program Committee had put in place an innovative and relevant program, and I am very grateful to them. But it became increasingly clear in recent weeks that our attendance would be low because editors need to be in their own newsroom during this difficult time. The board of directors will meet soon to deal with the financial implications of canceling the convention and map strategy for the coming year

In the meantime, we will increase reliance on the Web to help editors share what they are learning as they reshape their news organizations for multiple platforms and operate with fewer resources. We plan to have our new Website up this spring and we will produce more Webinars and ramp up our recently developed newsletter, The Editor's Exchange.

As you know, we had planned votes at the Chicago convention on bylaws changes to drop “paper” from its name and expand its membership to include editors of online-only news Web sites and leading journalism educators. That, and the annual election of new board members, will now occur electronically. We will be touch with you soon on the details.

We will also move ahead with plans for our scheduled 2010 convention in Washington.

I want to thank you for your support and guidance. If you have any questions about the convention or other matters, please let me know.

Charlotte H. Hall
ASNE President

