
ASNE honors Jill Geisler with President's Recognition award for outstanding leadership in journalism

Austin, Texas (Sept. 9, 2018) - The American Society of News Editors recognized on Sunday longtime member and friend Jill Geisler for her inspired leadership and efforts in supporting journalists from underrepresented communities, as well as promoting a strong and independent press, and diversity in news.

ASNE President Alfredo Carbajal, managing editor of Al Día at The Dallas Morning News, presented Geisler with a President's Recognition award, during the ASNE-APME News Leadership Conference in Austin.
Geisler, Bill Plante Chair of Leadership and Media Integrity at Loyola University Chicago, has instructed and mentored nearly 400 new and mid-level news leaders through the Emerging Leaders Institutes over the last several years. She has advanced the ASNE mission of promoting leadership by providing high-quality training for emerging and established news leaders, sharing best practices in news management and helping editors face and lead change during challenging times.
"At ASNE, we're very grateful to Jill for helping us establish our leadership development programs and teach hundreds of emerging newsroom leaders from all platforms," Carbajal said. 
The success of the Emerging Leaders Institutes is a direct result of Geisler's efforts and dedication. It is with deep gratitude that ASNE celebrates Geisler and her individual and collective contributions to our success.
"On behalf of ASNE, we want to thank Jill for her investment in helping newsrooms across America and her enormous contribution to journalism," Carbajal said.
Jill Geisler and ASNE Emerging Leaders Institute instructors pose in front of participants in Austin, Texas

