Free leadership training for mid-level news managers
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 07/05/2018 10:59:45
- In: Diversity
Apply by July 15 to attend the ASNE Emerging Leaders Institute Sept. 9-10prior to the ASNE-APME conference in Austin, Texas.
The institute provides a free training to mid-level news managers with diverse backgrounds who are in need of cultivating their leadership skills. Accepted candidates will receive up to $700 of travel reimbursements, thanks to our generous sponsors, the American Press Institute, the Gannett Foundation and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
For two full days, the institute will cover the most pressing issues for leaders and the skills needed to lead and drive change. Some of the topics on the program include coaching and feedback, leadership style, news values in digital platforms and social media environments, goal-setting and strategy, financial leadership, design-thinking and innovation. Click here for a sample program.