What you can do to fight newsprint tariffs
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 06/28/2018 10:53:37
- In: General
Two things you can do to help us fight the newsprint tariffs:
1. On July 17, 2018, the International Trade Commission will hear testimony on the preliminary newsprint tariffs. We have asked members of Congress to testify or submit comments for this hearing and describe the impact of these tariffs on their local newspapers and jobs in their districts/states. We are also asking them to argue that U.S. newsprint producers will be harmed by the tariffs as their customers reduce their consumption of newsprint by cutting pages, reducing days of delivery and etc.
1. On July 17, 2018, the International Trade Commission will hear testimony on the preliminary newsprint tariffs. We have asked members of Congress to testify or submit comments for this hearing and describe the impact of these tariffs on their local newspapers and jobs in their districts/states. We are also asking them to argue that U.S. newsprint producers will be harmed by the tariffs as their customers reduce their consumption of newsprint by cutting pages, reducing days of delivery and etc.

2. The Stop Tariffs on Printers and Publishers coalition has initiated a citizen and employee petition against the tariffs that will be sent to the International Trade Commission around the July 17 hearing. Right now, we have more than 2,800 signatures, far short of our goal of 10,000. Please consider signing the petition and encourage others to do so.