
Get your work recognized by ASNE Batten Medal for public service journalism

If your organization has outstanding public service journalism work, then consider submitting it to the Batten Medal category in the 2018 ASNE Awards by 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 30.
Sponsored by a group of editors from the former Knight Ridder company, the Batten Medal recognizes public service work that reflects compassion, courage, humanity and a deep concern for the underdog. The work can extend for more than one year and up to two years as journalism that makes a difference in the lives of real people and their communities. 

The competition is open to individual or a team of reporters, columnists, editorial writers, photographers and graphic artists and comes with a $2,500 cash prize. The Batten Medal is in honor of revered reporter, editor and newspaper executive James K. Batten, who was chief executive officer of Knight Ridder when he died in 1995. 
James K. Batten

This year, Josh Salman, Emily Le Coz and Elizabeth Johnson of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune won for their strong data reporting and shoe-leather reporting. 

Elizabeth Johnson
Emily Le Coz
Josh Salman
See their work: "Bias on the bench"

You or your organization can win the honor next year! Read more about specific rules for this category, and submit your work today.

For questions, contact ASNE Senior Information Specialist Megan Morrison at or 573-882-3792 or ASNE Communications Coordinator Jiyoung Won at or 573-882-2430.
