
Consider charitable donations to ASNE Foundation

It has been an exciting year for ASNE:
  • We received generous grants from the Democracy Fund and the Charles Koch Foundation to make our newsroom diversity survey more comprehensive and data-driven and to increase support for the Legal Hotline and other legal, educational resources for journalists. 
  • We made a new partnership with the Google News Lab for interactive data presentations of the 2017 and previous diversity survey results. 
  • We trained almost 90 up-and-coming and mid-level news leaders through the four high-profile Emerging Leaders Institutes.
  • We taught more than 40 journalists how to lead investigative teams and projects at the 2017 Investigative Reporters and Editors Convention in Phoenix.
  • We signed on to various briefs and letters to champion First Amendment values.
  • We celebrated Sunshine Week 2017March 12-18, with hundreds of individuals and organizations to promote the importance of open government and freedom of information. Sunshine Week 2018 will be March 11-17.
  • We hosted the ASNE-APME News Leadership Conference Oct. 8-11 in Washington, D.C. It attracted more than 300 attendees and drew rave reviews for its outstanding program and presenters. Next year, we're meeting Sept. 11-12 in Austin, Texas. 
  • We launched the ASNE Expert Series, a live conversation with industry leaders on hot media topics, and hosted several sessions. We plan to continue to host discussions next year. 
  • We joined the Press Freedom Tracker to help document press freedom abuses in the United States.
We are looking forward to an even greater year in 2018 as we continue to carry out our mission of strengthening leadership, protecting First Amendment rights, fighting for open government and freedom of the press, increasing diversity and promoting news literacy and innovation in professional journalism.
As you consider your charitable end-of-year giving, please include the ASNE Foundation to help us advance journalism and better serve our members. Any size of your generous giving will be appreciated.

You can donate online or send a check payable to ASNE Foundation, 209 Reynolds Journalism Institute, Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, MO 65211. 

Thank you for your support.
