
Quick recap of live legal hotline, replay available

On Tuesday, ASNE Legal Counsel Kevin M. Goldberg hosted the first live Legal Hotline as part of our Expert Series on YouTube.
This live video chat was part of ASNE's efforts, undertaken with the support of the Charles Koch Foundation and the Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Foundation, to expand the legal hotline service to members. Read more about the legal hotline, and see answers to past questions here.
The discussion lasted about 30 minutes, during which Kevin answered questions on the following issues:
  • The current state of affairs on several key legal topics, such as defamation, issuance of subpoenas to journalists and access to records, including what's trending at the state level nationwide in these issue areas;
  • The appropriate level of concern about an increase in lawsuits after the recent Hulk Hogan/Gawker Media invasion of privacy verdict;
  • What a newsroom should do when confronted with a subpoena (or, better yet, how the newsroom should prepare for that possibility);
  • Responding to requests to "unpublish" archived stories or other content;
  • Guarding your content against misappropriation by competitors;
  • The use of federal law to block access to state records, especially in the area of critical infrastructure information; and
  • How ASNE members can help the organization's efforts to promote the First Amendment and Freedom of Information.
Anyone who was not able to tune in live can replay the video on YouTube.
We hope to hold more of these live hotlines in the future and plan to have another "Coffee with your counsel" session at the 2018 ASNE-APME conference. Whatever the question, whenever you want to ask it and whichever medium you want to use (in person, live chat, good old-fashioned email or phone call), ASNE and Kevin will help you understand the legal landscape and best prepare how to respond to actual and potential threats.

