Application closed for Emerging Leaders Institute at Loyola University Chicago
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 05/24/2017 10:32:34
- In: Diversity
Because of overwhelming demand, ASNE has closed the application for the Emerging Leaders Institute June 9-10 at Loyola University Chicago. All applicants will be notified of their application decision by no later than Thursday.
ASNE will host three additional institutes this year:
Aug. 8-9 at the National Association of Black Journalists Annual Convention and Career Fair in New Orleans
Sept. 6-7 at the Excellence in Journalism Conference in Anaheim, California, in cooperation with the National Association of Hispanic Journalists
Oct. 7-8 at the ASNE-APME conference in Washington, D.C.
The institutes will be free and provide travel reimbursements. More information will be announced soon.
All four institutes are underwritten by generous contributions from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Loyola University Chicago School of Communication and the American Press Institute.