
Support ASNE in your end-of-year giving

Now is the time. We need your support. In the past years, ASNE has found new ways to help members and advance journalism in the digital age. We have forged new partnerships and received new contributions.
ASNE focuses sharply on its core values of leadership, First Amendment/free press, diversity, news literacy, and excellence and innovation in professional journalism.
As ASNE charts its course, the ASNE Foundation has provided vital financial support for programs and operations. We need your help, as well. Why give to the ASNE Foundation? Take a look at some of the services ASNE provides:
  • We champion First Amendment values and freedom of the press. Recently, ASNE and a group of media organizations joined in a letter to President-elect Trump that requests his commitment to a protective press pool for transparency. The letter was in response to Trump's recent travels without the press.
  • We lobby Congress on FOI issues.
  • We sponsor the national Sunshine Week every March, thanks to generous support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Bloomberg and The Gridiron Club and Foundation. Sunshine Week 2016, the 11th anniversary, attracted more than 1,000 participants to promote the importance of open government and freedom of information. The special reporting package from The Associated Press, The McClatchy Company, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The Sacramento Bee and Tribune News Service, as well as valuable content from many editorial cartoonists and columnists, made a big impact this year. Sunshine Week 2017 will be March 12-18.
  • We organized three high-profile Emerging Leaders Institutes this year and trained more than 70 mid-level news leaders. We plan to continue this important training program next year.
  • We hosted the ASNE-APME News Leadership Conference Sept. 11-14 in Philadelphia. It was the third joint conference of the two most prestigious news organizations in the country and drew rave reviews for its excellent and topical program, speakers and panelists. Next year, we will meet Oct. 8-11 in Washington, D.C., immediately after the 2017 ONA conference.
  • We signed an agreement with the Association of Opinion Journalists to merge AOJ into ASNE. AOJ members will become ASNE members effective Jan. 1. We will manage AOJ's annual State Department Briefing and other activities to help carry out the mission of training and supporting opinion journalists. 
  • We are partnering with Florida International University once again to conduct the 2017 Newsroom Diversity Survey, designed to meet ASNE's commitment to increasing diversity in newsrooms. This year, we made several changes to the survey to improve accuracy and better reflect the growth of digitally focused newsrooms. Click here for the 2016 survey results.
  • We have retooled our annual awards for the digital age, focusing on journalistic excellence.
At the same time, ASNE continues to broaden its membership criteria and its strategic partnerships. A large number of editors and news executives from major news corporations have become ASNE members as part of the new group membership included in the recently revamped membership structure.
Now, more than ever, ASNE needs your support to carry out its mission and serve its members. As you consider your year-end gift-giving, please include the ASNE Foundation in your plans. Any size of your generous giving will be appreciated. 

You can also send a check, payable to ASNEF, to ASNEF, 209 Reynolds Journalism Institute, Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, MO 65211.
Thanks for your consideration.
Best regards,
Mizell Stewart
ASNE President
Vice President, News Operations
David Boardman
ASNEF President
Dean, School of Media and Communication
Temple University
Teri Hayt
ASNE Executive Director
