
2016 ASNE-APME News Leadership Conference a big success!

#newsleaders2016 was a terrific conference by all accounts! About 300 people, including speakers, panelists, sponsors, media coverage crew and student journalists, attended the 2016 ASNE-APME News Leadership Conference Sept. 11-14 in Philadelphia. 

We thank all of you for joining us and making the conference more valuable than ever. We also thank you for being active on social media by using the official conference hashtag #newsleaders2016. 
Here is a collection of what people were tweeting throughout the conference: 
Opening reception at the National Constitution Cente
Poynter President Tim Franklin with "Ben Franklin"
The conference kicked off Sunday, Sept. 11, with two pre-conference workshops and an opening reception at the magnificent National Constitution Center. It was a fine evening of cocktails, Philly cuisine and jazz plus the famous Ben Franklin for some journalism lesson. For the next two and a half days, we showcased nearly 40 innovative and inspiring sessions, including four keynote speeches, multiple awards presentations, and several networking and entertainment activities. We learned, shared and partied together!

Suki Dardarian, senior managing editor of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, speaks during Remaking Legacy Newsrooms 
Bill Church
Mizell Stewart

On the last day of the conference, Sept. 14, both ASNE and APME installed new presidents, Mizell Stewart III of Gannett and the USA TODAY Network and Bill Church of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, respectively, as outgoing presidents Pam Fine and Laura Sellers completed their 
terms. New board members were elected, as well, for both organizations. Click here to see ASNE's new board members and here to see APME's new board members.
Most of the presentations will be posted soon at In the meantime, here is a story by John Timpane, staff writer at The Philadelphia Inquirer, that helps paint an overall picture of the conference. For more stories, photos and videos from the conference, please visit, an online hub featuring the outstanding coverage by a team of student journalists from Ball State University Pennsylvania State University. 

In addition to the News Leadership Conference, the ASNE Emerging Leaders Institute Sept. 10-11 in Philadelphia was a huge success! We thank ASNE Vice President Alfredo Carbajal of Al Dia (The Dallas Morning News) and our leadership expert Jill Geisler of Loyola University Chicago for organizing the program and bringing an exciting class of emerging news leaders to the next level. Also, thanks to the class for their hard work in cultivating their leadership skills.
Finally, we'd like to make several shout-outs to those who made the conference as smooth and successful as possible. We first thank journalism faculty Juli Metzger of Ball State University and John Dillon and John Beale of Pennsylvania State University, as well as all of their student journalists for covering the conference across all platforms.
We also thank ASNE-APME Conference Program Committee Co-Chairs Nancy Barnes, editor of the Houston Chronicle, and Bill Church, executive editor of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, for putting together a terrific program. And, of course, we can't thank enough our speakers, panelists and attendees for sharing their knowledge and experience.  
Lastly, our deep appreciation goes to all of our generous sponsors for making the #newsleaders2016 conference possible!

Next year, we will be heading to Washington, D.C., Oct. 8-11, immediately following the 2017 Online News Association conference. Mark your calendar now! We will have more details soon on conference registrations and hotel reservations. 
