
ASNE-Poynter webinar 'Endorsements: Why Do News Organizations Even Bother'

In the world of newspaper editorials, few opinions are as widely anticipated and widely debated as election endorsements or recommendations. In a polarized age influenced by partisan media, however, are endorsements still useful? Given opinion-page staffing cuts, are endorsements worth the time and effort? Do they make a difference in local or national elections? Why have some newspapers scuttled endorsements altogether?
To find out, sign up for our webinar in partnership with the Association of Opinion Journalists and Poynter! Miami Herald Editorial Page Editor Nancy Ancrum and Jennifer Hemmingsen, opinion editor for The (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Gazette, will talk to editorial page editors around the country about their endorsement process and share what they've learned during the webinar at 2 p.m. EDT Thursday, Sept. 22.
Publishers, senior executives, opinion writers and journalism instructors are encouraged to participate in this cost-free webinar. They'll discover different approaches to the endorsement process, how that process is changing and how readers have responded.  
hashtag: #ASNEendorse
