
ASNE members can register for Data Journalism Summit at half price

Data Journalism SummitApril 11 at The Associated Press headquarters in New York City, offers ASNE members a 50 percent discount on registration. Email Eric Hutchins at, or call 214-864-4399 to register. If you're a member of ASNE, then tell Hutchins that you are eligible for the 50 percent discount. 
The Data Journalism Summit, April 11 at The Associated Press headquarters in New York City, offers ASNE members a 50 percent discount on registration. The summit is a part of Big Data for Media Week, which focuses on data journalism management and strategy and targeting delegates, including editors-in-chief, data editors and technology editors. 

Topics at the summit include management, strategy, culture integration of data teams and newsrooms, technology, and recruiting and training data practitioners. Confirmed speakers for the interactive event are from AP, Thomson Reuters, ProPublica and include award-winning data editors and experts. Click here to see the program

Email Eric Hutchins at, or call 214-864-4399 to register for the summit. If you're a member of ASNE, then tell Hutchins that you are eligible for the 50 percent discount. 
