Meet, one of our generous #EDITORS3D conference sponsors
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 09/10/2015 10:05:56
- In: Convention
As the ASNE-APME conference at Stanford University (#EDITORS3D) approaches quickly, we'd like to continue our introductions of some of our generous sponsors. Meet, and learn how it helps a variety of companies that need audience insights.
As the ASNE-APME conference at Stanford University (#EDITORS3D) approaches quickly, we'd like to continue our introductions of some of our generous sponsors. Meet, and learn how it helps a variety of companies that need audience insights. analyzes audience data from more than 350 media companies and provides each with a clearer picture of audience viewing and engagement habits through easy-to-understand dashboards for editors, an API for developers and a reporting suite for digital executives. Thousands of writers, editors, site managers, technologists and analysts at companies, including Business Insider, The Atlantic, Upworthy and Conde Nast, use to understand what content draws in website visitors and why.
In addition to providing audience insights,'s network of data has helped develop a better understanding of trends in the ever-changing digital media industry. Knowledge of these trends, which are the focus of our popular Authority Reports, helps media sites put their readers' viewing and engagement habits into context.'s Authority Reports have explored topics, including the lifespan of online content, audience loyalty, digital deadlines, news efficiency and how readers consume news.
See all of our Authority Reports and resources, such as white papers, case studies and videos, on