
Get registered, don't miss great programming Oct. 16-18!

Join ASNE and APME Oct. 16-18 at Stanford University for our outstanding #EDITORS3D conference! It will be a perfect weekend to break away from your hectic schedule, connect with fellow decision-makers in journalism and have some fun.
Join ASNE and APME Oct. 16-18 at Stanford University for our outstanding #EDITORS3D conference! It will be a perfect weekend to break away from your hectic schedule, connect with fellow decision-makers in journalism and have some fun.

The conference will be packed with nuts-and-bolts programs and thought-provoking idea sessions, planned and organized by ASNE Stanford Conference Program Committee Chair Robyn Tomlin, vice president of digital and communications at the Pew Research Center, and APME Journalism Studies Chair Jim Simon, deputy managing editor of The Seattle Times. A draft of the entire schedule will be available soon at and

To whet your appetite, here's just a sample of our events and sessions:  

  • Pre-conference, design-thinking workshop: From 1 to 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16Stanford's Institute for Design, or the, will offer this free workshop to help participants understand the key tenets of design thinking in the newsroom and have a sense for ways they can incorporate this into their work. The few slots that remain open will be given on a first-come, first-served basis to those who are registered to attend the conference. If interested, email ASNE Communications Coordinator Jiyoung Won at to sign up

  • Opening-night reception: The reception will be at 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16, at the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center. David Kelley, a creator of the Apple mouse and founder of the groundbreaking, will be there to chat about innovation and what it takes to unlock the creative potential of people and organizations. 

  • Live and silent auction: Part of the reception will be our live and silent auction that will feature various items, such as sports tickets, vacation retreats, jewelry, autographed books and much more. There will be a larger silent auction during the conference at the Li Ka Shing Center, part of the Stanford Medical School, where our conference sessions will take place. Donation items are welcome! Click here for more information on how to donate.
  • Innovative engagement: Learn the techniques to engage untapped audiences, and join conversations about story development and community engagement on hot coverage topics, moderated by Peggy Holman, co-founder of Journalism That Matters. 

  • Drone journalism: Curious about drones and how they might be used in the newsroom or create news? The Associated Press Photo Managers have assembled a great group on Saturday morning to talk about drones and what they mean for journalism. 

  • Newsroom leadership: There is a changing of the guard afoot in many organizations. A new generation of newsroom leaders need to be trained up. This session will feature expert advice on what it takes to become a great leader.

  • Awards luncheon: A keynote speech by Alex Tizon, author and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, will be followed by the celebration honoring the winners of the ASNE and APME awards. 

  • Millennials and their news habits: Do they have any? Learn the latest findings from the Pew Research Center on the news consumption habits of millennials in a session moderated by Jim Brady, CEO and founder of Billy Penn.

  • The war on science: Susan Goldberg, editor-in-chief of National Geographic Magazine and News, will discuss the implications of educated people who decide not to vaccinate their children and why many Americans think dinosaurs shared the earth with human beings. The Washington Post reporter Joel Achenbach, who authored the National Geographic cover story, will join Goldberg. 

  • New media, new ethics: How are editors dealing with instant, unsubstantiated, highly volatile and popular content in today's journalism where much of the foundation for journalism ethics are eroding or gone? Politico's executive editor, Peter Cannellos, will lead this important discussion on where we are headed to with ethics of the new media. 

Click here
 to register for the conference. Members of ASNE and APME can register for $275, and nonmembers can register for $375. APME members can register at

Hotel reservations are due Tuesday, Sept. 15. The block of rooms we reserved at the Sheraton Palo Alto (625 El Camino Real) for only $169/night for Friday, Saturday and Sunday is filling up quickly. There will be no extensions after Sept. 15. Rates for Wednesday and Thursday are $329/night.

Questions? Contact Cindy Roe at or Sally Jacobsen at
