
Further FOIA reform with #FixFOIAby50

As part of our push for legislation to reform the federal Freedom of Information Act via nonidentical bills currently pending in the House (HR 653) and Senate (S 337), we are happy to let you know about a new initiative created by the Sunshine in Government Initiative (SGI). ASNE is one of the 10 media organizations comprising SGI, and we hope that ASNE members will rally around SGI's new #FixFOIAby50 campaign in support of FOIA Reform.

As part of our push for legislation to reform the federal Freedom of Information Act via nonidentical bills currently pending in the House (
HR 653) and Senate (S 337), we are happy to let you know about a new initiative created by the Sunshine in Government Initiative (SGI). ASNE is one of the 10 media organizations comprising SGI, and we hope that ASNE members will rally around SGI's new #FixFOIAby50 campaign in support of FOIA Reform.


What's #FixFOIAby50? A catchy way to remind you of the past, present and future of FOIA. The law will turn 50 in less than a year, on July 4, 2016. It has been used effectively by journalists and the public in every one of the 50 states as demonstrated in this database compiled by SGI of stories that rely on FOIA. In order to get these bills passed, we are setting a goal of getting to 50 co-sponsors on the Senate bill (there are currently four) and 100 co-sponsors on the House bill (there are currently 49) by the end of the August recess. 


How can you help? Keep an eye out for the #FixFOIAby50 hashtag on Twitter, where fun new facts and pertinent updates will be provided on a regular basis. Retweet things that seem interesting, or add your own. Make sure your senators and representatives take note. And be sure to check out the newly updated resources available on the Sunshine in Government website, which will help you in the event that you want to editorialize in favor of FOIA reform or discuss these issues with legislators who might drop in to your offices during the recess. 


Please do not hesitate to contact ASNE Legal Counsel Kevin M. Goldberg at 703-812-0462 or if you have any questions.
