
Register for ASNE-APME conference at Stanford University


Register now: The registration fee is only $275 for members of ASNE and APME and $375 for nonmembers. There are special rates for retired editors, spouses, students and APME's Regents. 

Book your hotel room: A terrific group rate is available at the Sheraton Palo Alto until Sept. 15 for only $169/night for FridaySaturday and Sunday. Rates forWednesday and Thursday are $329/night.


Join us at the ASNE-APME conference Oct. 16-18 at Stanford University in Silicon Valley. The Associated Press Photo Managers is also a conference partner.


The theme for this conference is 3-D: Digital, Diversity, Disruption.


Register now: The registration fee is only $275 for members of ASNE and APME and $375 for nonmembers. There are special rates for retired editors, spouses, students and APME's Regents. 

Book your hotel room: A terrific group rate is available at the Sheraton Palo Alto until Sept. 15 for only $169/night for FridaySaturday and Sunday. Rates for Wednesday and Thursday are $329/night.


The conference will open with an evening reception FridayOct. 16, at the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center. Join your colleagues under beautiful October skies for a taste of California wine and music and an intimate conversation with David Kelley. A creator of the Apple mouse and founder of the groundbreaking at Stanford, Kelley will share his thoughts on how each of us can find joy in our creative endeavors.

We will have conference sessions Saturday, Oct. 17, and Sunday, Oct. 18, at the Li Ka Shing Center, part of the Stanford Medical School. The conference hotel is the Sheraton Palo Alto at 625 El Camino Real. 


The lively and topical sessions will focus on:

  • Digital transformation and the innovative use of technology in the newsroom.
  • Diversity in the newsroom and in reaching new audiences.
  • First Amendment and access issues.
  • Newsroom leadership.

here for more highlights. 


Many more details are coming soon at and Questions? Contact Cindy Roe at or Sally Jacobsen at
