Check out budget for unprecedented Sunshine Week package
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 03/11/2015 09:45:31
- In: Sunshine Week
Click on the title of this entry to see the budget for the unprecedented package that The Associated Press; The McClatchy Company; USA TODAY; and Gannett Co., Inc., have produced to mark 10 years of Sunshine Week.
The content, which you can publish online and in print beginning 12:01 a.m. EDT Friday, March 13, will be available Thursday, March 12, on both the ASNE and Sunshine Week websites.
There is also an op-ed by Eric Newton, senior adviser to the president of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, that you can use for both online and print publications as early as Thursday, March 12.
Sunshine Week is a national celebration of access to public information that ASNE launched in 2005 to coincide with the March 16 birthday of James Madison, the father of the U.S. Constitution and a key advocate of the Bill of Rights. For more information about Sunshine Week, visit Follow Sunshine Week on Facebook and Twitter, and use the hashtag #SunshineWeek.
Budget for the Sunshine Week package:
RICHMOND, Va. -- The public's right to see government records is coming at an ever-increasing price, and in many cases the fees and hourly charges are acting as barriers to transparency. Some states have taken steps to limit the fees, but those efforts stand out as exceptions amid a broader landscape of challenges to public access to information. By Michael Felberbaum of The Associated Press. With photos.
- BC-US--Sunshine Week-Access at a Price-Glance, a rundown of cost-related issues and legislation in 18 states.
- BC-US--Sunshine Week-State by State, summaries of the AP's Sunshine Week stories in all 50 states.
WASHINGTON -- Newspapers were once the dominant force in dislodging documents and other records from reluctant federal government agencies, but a new crop of media players, advocacy groups and corporate interests now drive the release of information and changes the way this information is made public. By Kevin Hall of McClatchy Newspapers and Kevin Johnson of USA Today.
NEW YORK -- Opinion piece on access issues from Gary Pruitt, president of AP. This will be posted on the ASNE and Sunshine Week websites for downloading.
A three-minute video tour of stories from FOIA archives that ranges from a request that's been on the docket for 17 years to one federal agency's refusal to release a 30-year document because it's still "incomplete." From McClatchy's DC video staff.
Available for both online and print publication, a graphic/timeline traces events over the past 10 years that show the country's ambivalence over the free flow of information. The print version is available in both a quarter-page size with illustrations and a smaller text-only version. From McClatchy's Shared News Services staff and Tribune Content Agency.
Editorial cartoonists from across the country are contributing their takes on these topics. These will be available via the Sunshine Week website for publication in print and online during Sunshine Week. Here's the address where the cartoons are going to be posted: