
Consider charitable donations to ASNE Foundation

We would appreciate if you could consider giving charitable donations to ASNE Foundation as end-of-year-gifts. Financial support is crucial as it carries out its core values of leadership, First Amendment/free press, diversity, news literacy, and excellence and innovation in professional journalism. 

Dear ASNE member, 

We write to ask for your support. In the past three years, ASNE has found new ways to help members and advance journalism in the digital age. We have forged new partnerships and received new support.


ASNE focuses sharply on its core values of leadership, First Amendment/free press, diversity, news literacy, and excellence and innovation in professional journalism.


As ASNE charts its course, the ASNE Foundation has provided vital financial support for programs and operations. But we need your help, too. Why give to the ASNE Foundation? Take a look at some of the services ASNE provides:
  • We champion First Amendment values. In August, we released a statement about the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, that criticizes the police for violating the fundamental First Amendment rights of the public and the press. ASNE was among a group of media organizations that sent a letter to the Ferguson Police Department, the St. Louis County Police Department and the Missouri State Highway Patrol General Headquarters that expressed concerns over the unwarranted detention of two journalists on Aug. 13 and with other reports of police intimidation and harassment of journalists in Ferguson. In addition, we lobby Congress on FOI issues and promote 1 for All, a national program to build support for First Amendment freedoms, especially among young people. 
  • We sponsor the national Sunshine Week every March, thanks to an endowment from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. 
  • We organized three high-profile Minority Leadership Institutes in 2014, and we hope to hold as many in 2015. 
  • We held our first joint conference with APME in September in Chicago. We're looking forward to the second historic ASNE-APME conference Oct. 16-18 at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. 
  • We recently hosted the second Hacking News Leadership at Poynter after the introductory conference in May at the University of Texas at Austin drew raves among editors, data specialists and journalism educators. 
  • We are partnering with the McCormick Foundation and Florida International University to continue the annual newsroom census designed to meet ASNE's commitment to increasing diversity in newsrooms. 
  • Our membership is up more than 20 percent over past two years. 
  • We've stepped up electronic communication with members.
  • We run the largest youth journalism initiative in the country and train hundreds of high school advisers.
  • We have retooled our writing awards for the digital age, focusing on journalistic excellence.
  • Every board member already has made a financial contribution or pledge to ASNE. In fact, this already has raised more in charitable contributions than ASNE received in all of 2013.  
We've done all this with a backdrop of moving to the University of Missouri in the summer of 2012 and substantially reducing our expenses.


At the same time, ASNE continues to broaden its membership criteria and its strategic partnerships. For example, a growing group of academic deans and endowed chairs have become members. And in partnering with the Reynolds Journalism Institute, we are confident our members will see exciting new programs in 2015 and beyond.


Now, more than ever, ASNE needs your support to carry out its mission and serve its members. As you consider your year-end gift giving, please include the ASNE Foundation in your plans.


It's easy to contribute. Visit, click on donate and pay online. Or you can send a check -- payable to ASNEF -- to ASNEF, 209 Reynolds Journalism Institute, Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, MO 65211.


Thanks for your consideration.


Best regards,


Chris Peck
ASNE President
Assistant Editor of The Riverton (Wyo.) Ranger 


Andy Alexander
ASNEF President
Visiting Professional at the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University
Arnie Robbins
ASNE Executive Director
