
ASNE voices concerns regarding DoD's proposed revisions on FOIA

ASNE has joined 
comments filed with the Department of Defense that ask the agency to reconsider proposed rules that might adversely impact reporters' ability to access documents from the agency through FOIA. 

ASNE has joined comments filed with the Department of Defense that ask the agency to reconsider proposed rules that might adversely impact reporters' ability to access documents from the agency through FOIA. 


Our key concern is that the proposed rules would make permanent a current policy that all FOIA requests considered newsworthy; filed by the news media; or which, in the case of withholding information, could be a "media issue" must be shown to the agency's Public Affairs Office. We are obviously concerned that this will lead to politicization of FOIA requests and delayed processing or outright denial of certain requests in violation of the law.  


The comments, drafted by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, also raise concerns with proposed changes to the definition of "compelling need" for purposes of expedited processing of requests and various changes to the fee waiver applicable to requests filed by members of the news media.  
