
Help 1 For All promote knowledge of First Amendment freedoms

1 For All is a national campaign to reaise people's awareness about the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment: religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.

1 For All has resources for news organizations to help their audiences understand their First Amendment freedoms. It also is administering the 
First Amendment Challenge, which promotes innovative teaching of the First Amendment in classrooms across the country.

Everyone has heard of the First Amendment, but most Americans can't name the five freedoms it guarantees: religion, speech, press, assembly and petition. 1 For All, a national campaign on behalf of the First Amendment, is on a mission to change that.


When asked to name the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment, 68 percent of Americans name the freedom of speech, 29 percent name the freedom of religion, 14 percent name the freedom of the press, 7 percent name the right to assemble and 1 percent name the right to petition, according to the 2014 State of the First Amendment Survey, commissioned by the First Amendment Center and the Newseum. Twenty-nine percent of respondents cannot name any of the five freedoms.


1 For All offers resources that news organizations can use to help their audiences understand their First Amendment freedoms. Visit to find:

1 For All
 also is administering the First Amendment Challenge, which promotes innovative teaching of the First Amendment in classrooms across the country.


For helping students learn about the five freedoms, 40 secondary-school teachers or groups of teachers will receive $1,000, and 40 dedicated schools will receive a plaque to display their dedication. Teachers and schools can enter the Challenge through March 1 at


The Challenge is funded by a generous grant from the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and administered by the American Society of News Editors' Youth Journalism Initiative


1 for All is a national nonpartisan program designed to build understanding and support for First Amendment freedoms. 1 for All provides teaching materials to the nation's schools; supports educational events on America's campuses; and reminds the public that the First Amendment serves everyone, regardless of faith, race, gender or political leanings. It is truly one amendment for all.


For more information, visit or contact Megan Schumacher, senior information specialist for ASNE's Youth Journalism Initiative, at 573-882-3792 or Like 1 For All on Facebook and follow 1 For All on Twitter for updates.
