
Seeking Twitter-chat moderators and experiential opportunities for high-school journalists

ASNE has assembled a great group of high-school journalists for the Youth Journalism Initiative's advisory board. We're seeking opportunities for these young journalists to gain real-world experience and learn more about the world of professional journalism. 

Some opportunities board members had in the past include: 

  • participating in a press call with White House officials regarding Michelle Obama's trip to China. 
  • being panelists in a live chat about journalism ethics during an online screening of the documentary "A Fragile Trust." 

ASNE has assembled a great group of high-school journalists for the Youth Journalism Initiative's advisory board. We're seeking opportunities for these young journalists to gain real-world experience and learn more about the world of professional journalism. 


Some opportunities board members had in the past include: 

  • participating in a press call with White House officials regarding Michelle Obama's trip to China. 
  • being panelists in a live chat about journalism ethics during an online screening of the documentary "A Fragile Trust." 

Advisory board members have been participating in a private Facebook group where they share ideas, challenges and successes with each other, as well as discuss recent topics in journalism. 


We've also planned bimonthly Twitter chats, and we hope to enlist some ASNE members to act as guest moderators each week. 


If you are interested in being a moderator or have an upcoming opportunity for the advisory board members, please contact ASNE Senior Information Specialist Megan Schumacher at  


Regional and national opportunities are welcome, and we can cull students based on location, skill, interests, etc.  
