
Review conference schedule, Chicago restaurant guide

In fewer than three weeks, ASNE and APME, the two premier news organizations in the country, will get together at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago for their first joint conference. Get ready for the groundbreaking panels, conversations, activities and more! Review the agenda for detailsregister for the conference and join us

In fewer than three weeks, ASNE and APME, the two premier news organizations in the country, will get together at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago for their first joint conference. Get ready for the groundbreaking panels, conversations, activities and more! Review the agenda for detailsregister for the conference and join us


The Hyatt Regency is sold out! A few rooms might open up if there are cancellations, but we suggest you use your favorite search engine to seek other hotel options in the downtown Chicago area. 

And don't forget to check out the fabulous Chicago restaurant guide prepared by the Chicago Tribune/Tribune Content Agency for attendees of ASNE-APME 2014. The Tribune is hosting our opening-night reception at Howells & Hood, a restaurant on the ground floor of Tribune Tower, and has been an amazing help. The guide features a mind-blowing list of restaurants suggested by Tribune restaurant critic Phil Vettel.   


The conference will start at 1:30 p.m. CDT Monday, Sept. 15, and conclude at 2 

p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 17
