
Review recently proposed changes to ASNE Bylaws

The ASNE Bylaws were first constructed in 1922. As you might guess, they have been amended from time to time in the past 90 years to reflect changes in the Society, changes in the industry and changes in the world in general. The most recent alterations, adopted in 2011, changed the qualifications for membership and created new classes for membership. 

The ASNE Bylaws were first constructed in 1922. As you might guess, they have been amended from time to time in the past 90 years to reflect changes in the Society, changes in the industry and changes in the world in general. The most recent alterations, adopted in 2011, changed the qualifications for membership and created new classes for membership. 

The Board of Directors now has approved a new set of proposed changes to the Bylaws, addressing primarily procedural issues that are relics of an earlier time. These changes include removing reference to a "Fall" meeting of the Board of Directors (necessitated by the fact that ASNE's Annual Meeting is not always being held in the Spring), removing the requirement that there be a minimum of nine members running for the Board of Directors (while retaining the requirement that there be 1.5 times the candidates as there are spots to be filled), removing the requirement that absentee ballots for elections be voted at least three days in advance of the Annual Meeting (freeing up ASNE to be more flexible with regard to online voting during elections) and reducing the committee of election judges who count the ballots from five to three (because five people simply are not needed as voting moves online). 
A majority of the Board of Directors approved proposed changes to the Bylaws on Aug. 27, 2014. As required by the Bylaws, ASNE Secretary Pam Fine is notifying all ASNE members of these proposed changes, as outlined in the documents linked below. 
A vote will occur on these proposed changes at the Annual Meeting to be held 4:45-5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 16, in Chicago
Here are the documents we ask you to review: 
Thank you,

David Boardman, ASNE President
Pam Fine, ASNE Secretary

