
Meet an ASNE-APME 2014 sponsor: The New York Times News Service & Syndicate

As the ASNE-APME conference in Chicago is approaching quickly, we'd like to continue our introductions of some of our generous sponsors. Meet The New York Times News Service & Syndicate!  

As the ASNE-APME conference in Chicago is approaching quickly, we'd like to continue our introductions of some of our generous sponsors. Meet The New York Times News Service & Syndicate!  


The New York Times News Service & Syndicate develops multi-platform content solutions for media organizations and other companies using content and best journalistic practices from our flagship title and other world-recognized media leaders. We syndicate material (in English and in translation) to existing publications, license stand-alone print magazines and digital verticals, and work with publishers to create bespoke print and multi-platform publications. 


We offer a spectrum of agenda-setting journalism from The New York Times and other global media organizations - including Christian Science Monitor, Der Spiegel, Fairchild Fashion Media, Martha Stewart, Harvard Business Review and National Geographic - along with commentary by the thought-leading columnists of The New York Times and exclusive-to-the Syndicate columns by writers, including Richard Branson, Noam Chomsky and Jorge Ramos. 


Our licensed titles showcase The New York Times journalism and include international editions of T: The New York Times Style Magazine, The New York Times International Weekly and our annual year-ahead magazine, Turning Points: Global Agenda.  
