
Take survey to help us grow your audience

Take a five-minute, three-question survey that the ASNE Diversity Committee and its partner, Journalism That Matters, will use to improve the "Engagement Hub" -- a platform for peer-to-peer exchange about engaging community.

Take a five-minute, three-question survey that the ASNE Diversity Committee and its partner, Journalism That Matters, will use to improve the "Engagement Hub" -- a platform for peer-to-peer exchange about engaging community.


The Engagement Hub is part of the diversity committee's Community Connection and Inclusion project. We will be sharing what our three pilot sites have learned about engaging diverse community and its role growing audience at the ASNE-APME conference Sept. 15-17 in Chicago. The session will feature videos from the Oakland Tribune's Voices Project, the Gazette Company's (Cedar Rapids) We Create Here and the Rochester (N.Y.) Democrat and Chronicle's Unite Rochester, followed by a conversation between session participants and people from the pilot sites. 

The Engagement Hub extends the reach of the project by creating a place where you can ask questions, share stories and find resources about engaging community. Whether you are considering to try something new or whether you've been at it for years, we want to accelerate everyone's effectiveness by connecting you with each other and with what's happening around the country. The long-term impact: Engaging diverse community grows audience and improves community well-being.


So take our short survey. We'll share what we learn in a future newsletter.

Want to get involved now? Join our discussion group of expert practitioners and eager learners.


See you in Chicago!


Karen Magnuson, ASNE Diversity Committee co-chair

Mike Fancher, ASNE Diversity Committee co-chair

Peggy Holman, executive director of Journalism That Matters
