Apply today for Minority Leadership Institutes
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 07/17/2014 11:58:38
- In: Diversity
The ASNE Minority Leadership Institute at NABJ is in two weeks. Send your applications as soon as possible to if you'd like to participate. To attend the Institute at NAHJ, which is in about three weeks, also apply as soon as possible.
The ASNE Minority Leadership Institute at NABJ is in two weeks. Send your applications as soon as possible to if you'd like to participate. To attend the Institute at NAHJ, which is in about three weeks, also apply as soon as possible.
Here are dates and venues for all three Institutes of 2014:
- At NABJ: July 30-31, before the NABJ Convention & Career Fair in Boston
- At NAHJ: Aug. 6-7, before the NAHJ Multimedia Convention & Career Expo in San Antonio
- At ASNE/APME: Sept. 14-15, before the ASNE/APME conference in Chicago
Open primarily to ASNE member organizations, each Institute will provide leadership and management training to about 15 mid-level editors and news directors from news organizations around the country. Some of the topics to be discussed during each Institute include goal setting, strategies, leadership style, driving diversity, and technology and innovation.
Candidates must apply to the specific Institute of their choice to be considered.
Minority Leadership Institute at NABJ
The Institute will be held July 30-31 before the NABJ convention. Participants must be nominated by their company. The Institute is free to participants who are also registered to attend the NABJ convention. The Institute is underwritten by generous contributions from the American Press Institute, The McClatchy Company Foundation, the Scripps Howard Foundation, the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, the Naples Daily News and ASNE members.
Apply now by email to with the subject line "ASNE Minority Leadership Institute application-NABJ" and include the following:
- A resume
- A 300-word essay describing the leadership role you play in your organization, including day-to-day managerial duties and why you would benefit from the Institute
- A nomination letter from your supervisor (You must be employed by a news or media organization to be considered.)
Minority Leadership Institute at NAHJ
The Institute will be held Aug. 6-7 before the NAHJ convention. Participants must be nominated by their company. The Institute is free to participants who are also registered to attend the NAHJ convention. The Institute is underwritten by generous contributions from the American Press Institute, The McClatchy Company Foundation, the Scripps Howard Foundation, the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, the Naples Daily News, Gannett Co., Inc. and ASNE members.
Apply now by email to with the subject line "ASNE Minority Leadership Institute application-NAHJ" and include the following:
- A resume
- A 300-word essay describing the leadership role you play in your organization, including day-to-day managerial duties and why you would benefit from the Institute
- A nomination letter from your supervisor (You must be employed by a news or media organization to be considered.)
Minority Leadership Institute at ASNE/APME
The Institute will be held Sept. 14-15 before the ASNE/APME convention. Participants must be nominated by their company. The Institute is free to participants. Expenses for the Institute are fully covered thanks to generous contributions from Northwestern University and the Scripps Howard Foundation. Participants will be reimbursed for travel expenses.
Apply by Friday, Aug. 1, by email to with the subject line "ASNE Minority Leadership Institute application-ASNE/APME" and include the following:
- A resume
- A 300-word essay describing the leadership role you play in your organization, including day-to-day managerial duties and why you would benefit from the Institute
- A nomination letter from your supervisor (You must be employed by a news or media organization to be considered.)