What makes ASNE-APME conference special
- By: ASNE staff
- On: 04/30/2014 11:46:36
- In: Convention
The ASNE-APME live and silent auction, free post-conference seminar about climate change, and many more highlights!
ASNE-APME live, silent auction
ASNE has not had an auction in recent years but will share the stage with APME for perhaps the biggest auction to fund journalism initiatives in recent years.
The live auction -- featuring vacation getaways and more -- will be held during the opening night reception at the Tribune Tower. A small silent auction with top items also will take place that night.
The larger silent auction -- featuring donated books, regional gifts, jewelry, sports and event tickets, and more -- will be held during the days of the conference at the Hyatt Regency, the conference headquarters in downtown Chicago.
Mark your calendars and plan to take home something special from our joint 2014 conference.
How can you help now? We're looking for donations that will stand out. To donate, download the pledge form.
Questions? Contact either Bob Heisse of the APME Foundation
at or George Stanley of ASNE at You can also contact Sally Jacobsen of APME at and Arnie Robbins of ASNE at
Free post-conference seminar about climate change
The highly regarded Metcalf Institute for Marine & Environmental Reporting will be holding a free, two-session "Climate Change and the News" seminar from 9 a.m. to noon and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18. Plan your trip accordingly if you'd like to stay one extra day for this special addition to the ASNE-APME conference.
During the seminar, leading scientists and policy experts will explore the latest decisions driving the global response to climate change and the implications for your news audiences.
Click here to learn more about the seminar, and stay tuned for registration details.
See you in Chicago!
With the theme of ASNE/APME 2014: Fast Forward, the conference will begin at 1:30 p.m. CDT Monday, Sept. 15, and conclude about 3 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 17.
Other highlights you don't want to miss:
- Lively and innovative in-between conference sessions that will explore topics, such as improving content on mobile, increasing audience engagement and reach, and developing partnerships for greater impact.
- Two special luncheons, the Monday night opening reception and two Tuesday night entertainment events.
Register now: The conference registration fee will be $250 for members of ASNE and APME and $350 for nonmembers. There are special rates for retired editors, spouses, students and APME's Regents. ASNE members, click here to register. APME members can register at