
Save the date for the 2014 ASNE/APME convention

Save these dates for the 2014 ASNE/APME convention:
Monday, Sept. 15 - Wednesday, Sept. 17, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
That's right, it's official, and you have one year to prepare!
We told you in August that we were thrilled to announce that ASNE and APME were joining forces to present a joint convention in Chicago. In the past week, we finalized details with our convention hotel, the Hyatt Regency, in the Loop area at 151 E. Wacker Drive. It's a great location and, by all accounts, a terrific convention hotel.

Save these dates for the 2014 ASNE/APME convention:
Monday, Sept. 15 - Wednesday, Sept. 17, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
That's right, it's official, and you have one year to prepare!
We told you in August that we were thrilled to announce that ASNE and APME were joining forces to present a joint convention in Chicago. In the past week, we finalized details with our convention hotel, the Hyatt Regency, in the Loop area at 151 E. Wacker Drive. It's a great location and, by all accounts, a terrific convention hotel.
We'll be building upon the success of ASNE's June convention in D.C. and APME's 80th anniversary conference Oct. 28-30 in Indianapolis.
Joint ASNE-APME committees already have met once to begin planning various aspects of the 2014 conference, including programming and fundraising.
In addition to ASNE and APME, the Associated Press Photo Managers will join the effort. Traditionally, APME and APPM have held their annual conferences together.
It's too early to register or book your hotel room, but it's not too early to mark your calendar. We will provide more details in the coming months.
