
2013 ASNE Board of Directors

The ASNE Board of Directors added 9 new members and elected a new executive committee at the organization's annual convention in Washington, D.C. David Boardman of the Seattle Times took the reins as ASNE president on the final day of the convention. 

The ASNE Board of Directors added 9 new members and elected a new executive committee at the organization's annual convention in Washington, D.C. David Boardman of the Seattle Times took the reins as ASNE president on the final day of the convention.   
The remaining members elected to the organization's executive committee: 
  • Vice President Chris Peck, The Riverton (Wyo.) Ranger  
  • Secretary Pam Fine, Knight Chair for News, Leadership and Community at The University of Kansas, Lawrence
  • Treasurer Mizell Stewart III, The E.W. Scripps Co., Cincinnati 

Directors elected for three-year terms:
  • Anders Gyllenhaal, McClatchy Washington Bureau
  • Karen Magnuson, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
  • Michael Oreskes, The Associated Press, New York
  • Lucy Dalglish, Philip Merril College of Journalism, University of Maryland
  • Melanie A. Sill, Southern California Public Radio

Directors elected for two-year terms: 
  • Jim Brady, Digital First Media
  • Dori Maynard, Maynard Institute

2012 ASNE President, Susan Goldberg handed over the gavel to David Boardman Wednesday morning on the final day of the convention.

Boardman appointed two new members for one-year terms:
  • Robyn Tomlin, Digital First Media
  • Emily Ramshaw, The Texas Tribune 
