

Arnie Robbins, executive director of the American Society of News Editors, has provided the following statement regarding the Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press confidential telephone records:
"ASNE finds these outrageous actions toward the Associated Press appalling. 
Arnie Robbins, executive director of the American Society of News Editors, has provided the following statement regarding the Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press confidential telephone records:
"ASNE finds these outrageous actions toward the Associated Press appalling.
"This is a disturbing affront to a free press. It's also troubling because it is so consistent with an administration that has aggressively investigated disclosures of classified information to reporters. Over the years, such disclosures have proven essential to the ethical and effective functioning of our democracy.
"Our citizens really deserve to learn more about why these chilling actions were considered necessary by the Department of Justice.
"To help us better understand the Administration's thinking on this issue and its attitude toward the press, we would be delighted if Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. joined us at the ASNE Convention June 24-26 in Washington, D.C., to explain the Justice Department's actions to our editors."
