
Public file lists gun confiscations by TSA

The Google spreadsheet names the date and place of each 2013 confiscation.

Scott B. Anderson, a professor at Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism and the web manager for the Medill National Security Journalism Initiative, has created a public file that lists recent gun confiscations by TSA in American airports.

The Google spreadsheet lists the date of each 2013 confiscation as well as the airport where the confiscation took place. Also listed are the type of gun, whether it was loaded, and if it had a bullet in the firing chamber at the time of confiscation. The spreadsheet is updated on a weekly basis.

Anderson also created a spreadsheet reflecting 2012 confiscations.

Members of the media are welcome to use this data as long as they credit Anderson and the Medill National Security Journalism Initiative.

For more information on this data, check out the following articles:

Questions? Email Anderson at
