
RJI's free tablet symposium

The Reynolds Journalism Institute and Roger Fidler are putting together the fall 2012 Tablet Symposium (Pressing Ahead: Tablets, Mobile and News After Paper) Dec. 6-7 in Columbia, Mo.

The Reynolds Journalism Institute and Roger Fidler are putting together the fall 2012 Tablet Symposium (Pressing Ahead: Tablets, Mobile and News After Paper) Dec. 6-7 in Columbia, Mo.

Roger is the Program Director for Digital Publishing.

"Practical Futurist Michael Rogers will look forward at the hardware, software and networks that are likely to shape the rest of the decade, as well as the ways our audiences will change. Michael is a different kind of futurist - one who combines real business experience with technology skills. You won't want to miss his morning keynote presentation on Friday, Dec. 7.

"In the session that follows, Michael will help facilitate round-table discussions with the participants about the strategies news organizations could use to grow their business in the world of mobile media.

"On Friday afternoon, Douglas Bennett, the former president of Freedom Interactive, will offer some real-world publishing and monetization strategies involving smartphones and tablets. He'll also talk about lessons learned from the OC Peel - the innovative iPad app launched by the Orange County Register that the new owner of the paper recently decided to abandon."

You can find the complete agenda on the RJI website.

The symposium is free, but please be sure to register.

For those of you who want to learn more about the process of creating and marketing iBooks through the Apple iBooks Store, we will host a two-hour workshop on Thursday, Dec. 6, just before the welcome dinner at RJI.
